A number of writers have raised questions about the desirability of faster economic growth as an end in itself, at least in the wealthier industrialized countries.1 Yet faster growth does mean more wealth, and to most people the desirability of wealth is beyond question. “I,ve been rich and have been poor — and I can tell you, rich is better,,,a noted stage personality2 is said to have told an interviewer, and most people seem to have the same attitude about the economy as a whole. To those who hold this belief, a healthy economy is one that is capable of turning out vast quantities of shoes, food, cars, and TV sets.2 An economy whose capacity to provide all these things is not expanding is said to have succumbed to the disease of stagnation. Economists from Adam Smith3 to Karl Marx saw great virtue in economic growth. Marx argued that capitalism, at least in its earlier historical stages, was a vital form of economic organization by which society got out of the rut in which the medieval stage of history had trapped it.4 Marx believed that “the development of the productive powers of society... alone can form the real basis of a higher form of productive powers of society”. Marx went on to tell us that only where such great productive powers have been unleashed can one have “ a society in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle. ” In other words, only a wealthy economy can afford to give all individuals the opportunity for full personal satisfaction through the use of their special abilities in their jobs and through increased leisure activities. Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of validity.5 It is pointed out that the sheer increase in quantity of products has imposed an enormous cost on society in the form of pollution,crowding,proliferation of wastes that need disposal,and debilitating psychological and social effects.6 It is said that industry has transformed the satisfying and creative tasks of the artisan into the mechanical and dehumanizing routine of the assembly line.7 It has dotted our roadsides with junkyards, filled our air with smoke, and poisoned our food with dangerous chemicals. The question is whether the outpouring of frozen foods, talking dolls, radios, and headache remedies is worth its high cost to society. As one well-known economist put it: The continued pursuit of economic growth by Western Societies is more likely on balance to reduce rather than increase social welfare...8 Technological innovations may offer to add to men’s material opportunities. But by increasing the risks of their obsolescence it adds also to their anxiety.9 Swifter means of communications have the paradoxical effect of isolating people; increased mobility has led to more hours commuting ; increased automobilization to increased separation ; more television to less communication.10 In consequence, people know less of their neighbors than ever before. Virtually every economist agrees that these concerns are valid,though many question whether economic growth is their major cause. Nevertheless, they all emphasize that pollution of air and water, noise and congestion, and the mechanization of the work process are very real and very serious problems. There is every reason for society to undertake programs that grapple with these problems.11

参考答案:     近年来,不少人或撰文或著书,已经提出质疑:为经济而发展经济,至少在较富裕的工业化国家究竟有无必要?诚然,经济增长得越快的确意味着更多的财富,而且大多数人都追 求财富,这是勿庸置疑的。“富裕也罢,贫穷也罢,我都经历过。说实话,富裕当然胜过贫 穷。” 一位知名演员曾这样向采访者坦言。大多数人在整体上对经济似乎也持同样观点。他们认为,健康的经济必须能够生产出大批量的鞋子、食品、汽车和电视机。当某个经济体的 这种产出能力不再扩大,人们就认为它遭遇了经济停滞。
从亚当.斯密到卡尔•马克思,许多经济学家都认识到经济增长的好处。马克思认为资 本主义至少在其历史发展的初期确实是一种重要的经济组织形式,它使整个社会摆脱了中世 纪的桎梏。马克思认为“单凭社会生产能力的发展这一点就能为社会生产能力的更高形式 打下坚实基础,成为更高一级社会形式的根基。”马克思还告诉我们,只有当这种强大的生 产能力有了长足的发展之后,人们才能拥有“一个以个人的完全自由发展为指导原则的社会。”换言之,只有富足的经济才能使每个社会成员的自我需求得到充分满足。这种满足体
解题思路: 1.本句有人译为:“为经济而发展经济,至少在较富裕的国家,这一做法的合理性遭到了一 些学者的质疑。”这种译法本身模棱两可,容易产生只有在富裕国家内部才有人提出质疑 的误导。另外,writer—词不一定非译为“作者”不可,参考译文把它化为动词,不失为 一种灵活的选择。
2.a noted stage personality意思是“一位知名演员”,而不是“一位知名的舞台工作人员”。
3.亚当•斯密:(1723—1790)英国古典政治经济学体系的创立者。代表英国工场手工业已 高度发展、产业革命开始时期资产阶级的利益。1776年发表其代表作《国民财富的性质 和原因的研究》(The Wealth of Nations简称《国富论》)。其中心思想是反对封建主义特 别是重商主义的民族国家权益高于一切的观点,倡导个人自决和政府对经济的最低程度 的控制,主张建立彻底的个人自由经济体制,强调对内实行自由放任政策,对外实行自 由贸易政策。
4.本句意为:马克思认为资本主义在其早期发展阶段还是非常重要的经济组织形式,正是 资本主义将整个社会从中世纪的桎梏中解脱了出来。
get in/out of a rut:进入/走出墨守陈规;rut本意为:车的辙迹,人们习惯行走的道路,这 
5.本句意为:人们对富裕国家追求经济增长提出质疑,而他们的怀疑是不无道理的。翻译 B寸应力图在理解的基础上简洁地表达句子的意思。参考译文中“人们对此提出的质疑” 与句子的其他部分用逗号断开,比较符合汉语行文的习惯。
6.这里pollution和crowding如简单地译为“污染”和“拥挤”,读起来不大顺耳,参考译 文中用了两个四字结构“环境污染”和“交通拥挤”,更为符合汉语的习惯。
7.本句中四个形容词satisfying,creative, mechanica丨和dehumanizing对译者是个挑战。如 直译为“创造性的令人满意的(工作)”和“机械的非人性的(例行公事)”,读来甚为 别扭,参考译文把词序调整了一下,把它们译为“给人以享受的创造性(工作)”和 “毫无人性的机械化(操作)”。
social welfare:结合下文列举的对人们生活的不利影响,应理解为良好的生活状态(a comfort state of social life, well being),而非退休金、医疗保险等具体的社会福利制度。
9.by increasing the risks of their obsolescence意为:通过增加科技创新遭淘汰的风险。本句 可译为:由于更新换代的速度太快,反而使人们倍感焦虑。
10.本句大意为:通讯方式更加便捷,人们因此反而疏于联络,较之与以前更加孤立;社会 人口的流动性增加了,人们的工作区和生活区距离越来越远,于是往返于路途上的时间 反而增加了;有车开的人更多了,人们无需再和别人一起共享空间,相应的交流就少 了;电视节目丰富多彩,人们之间交谈的时间少了。翻译这类句子的时候特别要注意汉 语句子的平衡与对称。paradoxical effect:适得其反,荒谬的结果。
11.have every reason to...意为:有一切理由(做某事),语气比较强。此处可正话反说,译 为:“社会确实没有理由不尽一切努力解决好这些问题。”重的现实问题。社会确实没有任何理由不尽一切努力解决好这些问题。