
It is impossible for parents to______their children from every danger.

  • A protect
  • B relieve
  • C preserve
  • D conserve
参考答案: A
解题思路: 近义辨析。protect…from保护:protect the plants from the cold保护植物使不受冻。relieve…of免除,解除:Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel.让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。preserve保护,防护,维护:The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.市政委员会花了不少钱来维修那座古城堡和其它古迹。con serve使(某事物)不受损失或不受损害,保藏,保存:People have to learn to conserve water anytime,especially during the drought.大家必须学会节约用水,特别是在干旱期间。>>>立即刷题