President Trump threatens to “totally destroy North Korea.” Another hurricane lashes out. A second monster earthquake jolts Mexico. Terrorists strike in London. And that’s just this past week or so.Yes, the world is clearly coming to an end. But is there anything you can do to prepare? That is not a philosophical question, or a theological one. And if it is a question that seems to beg any explication, you may stop reading now.But if you are among the swelling class of weekend paranoiacs of affluent means who are starting to mull fantasies of urban escape following the endless headlines about disasters, both natural and manufactured, you may be starting to see a different image in your mind when think “survivalist.” You may no longer see the wild-eyed cave dweller in camouflage fatigues, hoarding canned goods. You may even see one in the mirror. In a world where the bombproof bunker has replaced the Tesla as the hot status symbol for young Silicon Valley plutocrats, everyone, it seems, is a “prepper,” even if the “prep” in question just means he is stashing a well-stocked “bug-out bag” alongside his Louis Vuitton luggage in a Range Rover pointed toward Litchfield County, Conn. Here is a checklist for the neo-survivalist preparing for the apocalypse.Go for the Silver Two years ago, Greece was forced to shutter banks and limit A.T.M. withdrawals to 60 euros a day during a debt crisis that threatened to shatter Europe’s currency union. In the United States, prominent authors like James Rickards, a hedge fund veteran, and David Stockman, once the budget director for the Reagan administration, insist that an even bigger crisis will soon tank Wall Street and torpedo the dollar. No wonder so many preppers, some of them wearing pinstriped suits, consider gold and silver to be a crucial hedge against a crisis. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make news, many preppers are quietly packing their bug-out bags with rolls of pre-1965 American dimes, quarters or half-dollars, which are 90 percent silver and available from coin dealers and precious-metals websites (silver is currently about $17 an ounce). “My preferred form of precious metal post-financial collapse, that is, besides high-speed lead,” wrote one prepper on gold, which is hovering around $1,300 an ounce, these old silver coins come in small enough denominations to barter for a loaf of bread or a socket wrench in an economic “Mad Max” scenario. Even so, some survivalists remain silver skeptics. “For $100, let’s say you get five silver coins,” said an urban preparedness expert who goes by the nom de guerre Selco. “Why not buy 100 cans of soup?”

参考答案:     特朗普总统扬言要“彻底摧毁朝鲜”。又一场飓风肆虐。墨西哥再次发生大地震。恐怖分子袭击伦敦。这些,只是过去一周左右发生的事情。
    两年前,在一场可能令欧元区分崩离析的债务危机肆虐期间,希腊被迫关闭了银行,并设定了每天60欧元的ATM取款限额。在美国,一些知名作者,比如资深对冲基金从业者詹姆斯‧瑞卡茲(James Rickards)和曾在里根政府中当过预算主管的戴维·斯托克曼(David Stockman),坚持认为一场更大的危机很快就会摧毁华尔街,搞垮美元。
    不同于黄金——其价格徘徊在每盎司1300美元左右——这些老银币面额足够小,一旦经济陷入“疯狂的麦克斯”(Mad Max)式的场面,可以用来换取一块面包,或一把套筒扳手。尽管如此,一些生存主义者还是对银存有疑虑。“假设100美元能换5枚银币吧,”一个自称“de guerre Selco”的城市避难准备专家说。“那你为什么不买100罐汤?”
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