大学英语四级题库/阅读理解 Section A

      One source of a poor self-concept is an inaccurate self-perception. Such unrealistic pictures sometimes come from being overly hard on yourself, believing that you're worse than the facts 1. By learning to take a 2 view of yourself, it will be possible to see whether you have been selling yourself short.
  An unrealistically poor self-concept can arise from the inaccurate  3of others. Perhaps you are in an environment where you receive an  4number of depressing messages, many of which are undeserved, and a  5of delightful messages. We've known many housewives, for example, who have returned to college after many years spent in homemaking, where they receive  6no recognition for their intellectual strengths. It's  7that these women have the courage to come to college at all, so low are their self-concepts; but come they do, and most are excited to find that they are much brighter and more competent intellectually than they  8. In the same way, workers with overly critical  9,children with cruel "friends," and students with unsupportive teachers all tend to have low self-concepts owing to excessively negative feedback. If you fall into this category, it's important to put the unrealistic evaluations you receive to attention and then to seek out more 10 people who will acknowledge your value as well as point out your shortcomings.
A. virtually
B. civilian
C. supervisor
D. boost
E. indicate
F. minimum
G. efficiently
H. supportive
I. feedback
J. likely
K. excessive
L. realistic
M. display
N. amazing
O. suspected

                      参考答案: H,K,C,O,L,E,F,A,I,N