

发布于 2018-04-03 14:38  编辑:Claire


1.He often sat in a small bar drinking more whisky than ____.(他经常坐在小酒吧里,喝超过他身体能承受的威士忌。)

A. He was in good health

C. was good for his health

B. his good health was

D. his health was good

解析:答案C。本题的解题关键在than,than是一个关联词,引导了一个比较状语从句,且在从句中充当了成分。than可引导一个从句并在从句中充当句子成分(主语、宾语、表语),为便于理解,有时可视为than后省略了what。如:We don’t want to do more than is necessary. 我们不想做不必要的事情。

2. Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? If you had I ____ it from the bank.(你怎么不告诉我你可以借给我那笔钱?你要是有我就不需要向银行借了。)

A. haven’t needed to borrow

C. will not need to borrow

B. needn’t have borrowed

D. didn’t need to borrow

解析:答案B。本题考查虚拟语气中的非真实条件句用法。此处非真实条件句所做出的假设造成的结果与事实不符,即如果你有(钱)我就不需要向银行借了,而事实上我已经向银行借了(过去的行为)。这种虚拟语气的基本特点就是时态退后,如果表示已经过去的事,则主句用need/could/would等+完成结构(have done)。

3. Penicillin(青霉素), probably ____, came into widespread use after the Second World War.(青霉素—可能是人们最熟知的抗菌素—二战后得到了广泛应用。)

A. An antibiotic of known

C. the best-known antibiotic

B. was known the antibiotic

D. known best antibiotic

解析:答案C。本题中用引号隔开的部分是插入语,不属于句子的主干成分,去掉后句子依然是完整的(Penicillin came into widespread use after the Second World War.)。这个插入语是主语Penicillin的同位语,同位语用来解释说明被修饰的对象,一般由名词或名词性短语充当。

4. Under no circumstances and at no time ___ the first to use nuclear weapons.(任何时候任何条件下我们都不首先实用核武器。)

A. we are B. we shall be C. were we D. shall we be

解析:答案D。本题考查了两个方面,一是时态,二是倒装。首先使用核武器的可能在未来,所以要用将来,排除AC。另外,在含有no、not或其它否定意义的词或词组等,以及so,neither,nor表示“也”、“也不”这一类词放在句首时,句子要部分倒装。这里under no circumstances and at no time就是这样的否定结构,所以用倒装句。

5. This is the best film that I ____.(这是我看过的最好看的电影。)

A. have ever seen C. had ever seen

B. had never seen D. have never seen

解析:答案A。主要考查现在完成时的用法,这里that I have ever seen指迄今为止我看过的电影中,所以用现在完成时;另外,这里没有否定的意思,所以不能选BD。

6. When wood, natural gas, oil, or any other fuel burns, ____ with oxygen in the air to produce heat.(当木柴、天然气、石油或其它燃料燃烧时,燃料中的物质与氧气合成产生热量。)

A. combining substances in the fuel

B. substances in the fuel that combine

C. substances in the fuel combine

D. a combination of substances in the fuel

解析:答案C。“When wood, natural gas, oil, or any other fuel burns”这个部分是状语从句,主句部分缺主谓结构,选项中只有C项是完整的主谓结构:主语substances,动词combine。

7. There _____ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.(由于没什么需要讨论了,会议提前了半小时结束。)

A. To be B. to have been C. being D. be


8. An art gallery is _____ room where _____works of art are shown.(美术馆就是展示艺术品的房间。)

A. a, the B. the, / C. the, a D. a, /


9. Great ____ the author was, he proved to be a bad model.(虽然是大作家,但他最后却证明是个糟糕的典范。)

A. as B. although C. since D. if

解析:答案A。as引导让步状语从句,作“虽然,尽管”解。这时从句常用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as之前。如:Strange as it may seem,it is true(尽管这事很奇怪,但却是真的)。

10. The prisoner pleaded that he ____ allowed to see his family, who did not yet know of his conviction.(被告辩称他应该被允许见家人,他们并不知道对他的判决。)

A. is B. was C. be D. could


11. Flower oils are ____ of the ingredients used in making perfume.(鲜花精油是用于香水制作的原料中最贵的。)

A. among expensive C. being most expensive

B. among the most expensive D. very expensive

解析:答案B。此处主要看形容词expensive后面接of the ingredients如何理解,实际上expensive of sth.这种结构并不存在。此处B项the most expensive表示最贵的这一类东西,类似于常见的the rich(富人),the most expensive of the ingredients意为“原料中最贵的”,所以B项合适。

12. It’s a shame _____ able to give them any advice.(很遗憾没能给他们一些建议。)

A. not to have been C. to have been not

B. to have not been D. to not have been


13. With age, the mineral content of human bones decreases, ____ them more fragile.(随着年龄的增长,人体骨骼中矿物成分减少,由此造成骨骼更脆弱。)

A. thereby make C. which it makes

B. and to make D. thereby making

解析:答案D。the mineral content of human bones decreases是句子的主干,主谓结构完整。A项逗号后直接用动词原形不妥当(thereby不能充当连词);B项and连接两个并列结构,前面并不存在不定式结构,也不合适;C项看似定语从句,但it所指不明,因为如果是定语从句,which本身就可以代替先行词在从句中充当主语,无需it。D项making分词作结果状语。

14. The father, who was illiterate, said to his son that he was ____ dog to learn new tricks.(那位父亲不识字,对他儿子说自己简直就是一只老狗,哪还学得了什么新把戏。)

A. much too old a C. so much old a

B. a much too old D. a so much old

解析:答案A。too…to do…意为“太……而不能……”,所以在AB中选择。

15. With every transaction we perform ________ electronically, we could make ourselves open to electric monitoring or control by the government.(由于我们进行的每笔交易都是用电子记录的,这样使得我们极易处于政府监控和控制之下。)

A. having recorded C. to record

B. being recorded D. recording

解析:答案B。注意逗号前面部分由with引导的介词短语,we perform只是transaction定语从句。这个部分其实是with引导的-ing分词结构,将we perform抽离掉来看,record(记录)的某种分词形式需要修饰transaction(交易),应该是交易被记录,所以要用分词的被动结构。

16. _____ at in this way, the present economic situation does not seem so gloomy.(以这种方式看,当前的经济形势也不是很惨淡。)

A. Looking B. Looked C. Having looked D. To look

解析:答案B。分词在句首作状语,这个分词和它的逻辑主语(意义上的主语)是修饰关系,也就是说这个分词修饰它的逻辑主语,它的逻辑主语即句子的主语,即the present economic situation。具体分词用哪种形式得看是怎样的修饰关系,这里状况应该是被人看的,所以look应该用过去分词,表被动。

17. Professor Johnson is said ______ some significant advance in his research in the past year. (据说约翰逊教授在过去的一年中在自己的研究领域取得了很大进展。)

A. Having made B. making C. to have made D. to make

解析:答案C。“be said + to不定式”表示“据说”,in the past year表明事情已结束,不定式后用完成结构来表示过去的事情。


