三大攻坚战 three tough battles
三大攻坚战(three tough battles)是:防范化解金融风险(preventing and defusing financial risks)、精准脱贫(targeted poverty alleviation)、污染防治(pollution control)。
大科学big science
China's State Council has issued a set of guidelines to encourage the launch of more international "big science" projects.
The guidelines, which were distributed to provincial-level governments as well as ministries and institutions of the State
宇宙演化 evolution of the universe
生命起源 origin of life
巨资投入 heavy investment
精密设备 sophisticated equipment
征税清单tariff list
China announced on Wednesday a list of US products valued at $50 billion annually that are subject to additional tariffs as a reciprocal trade measure to safeguard its legitimate interests. Earlier, the US government rolled out a massive list of tariffs for $50 billion worth of Chinese products.
贸易保护主义措施 trade protectionist measures
来而不往非礼也 it is only polite to reciprocate
保持理性,着眼长远 with sense and long-term picture in mind
不要在错误的道路上越走越远 refrain from going further down the wrong path
人才争夺战 talent scramble battle
今年以来,全国多个城市陆续发布"引才新政"(new favorable policies to attract more talents),符合条件的人才将获得包括落户(permanent household registration, or hukou)、租房补贴(subsidy for rental housing)、安家费(settling-in allowance)、创业贷款(loans for startups)等多方面的政策激励。
3月下旬,北京、上海等一线城市接连发布人才新政,从全球引进各领域高端人才(high-end talents)。北京提出建立优秀人才引进的"绿色通道"(a "green channel" for outstanding talents),可在聘用单位的集体户落户,配偶及未成年子女随调随迁。上海同样为高端人才及其家属在户口、住房等方面给予优待(special treatment for high-end talents and their families)。
人才流失 brain drain
政府贴息贷款 discount government loans
公租房 public rental housing
限价房 price-fixed housing
人口红利 demographic dividend
基因检测 genetic test
对我国大多数消费者而言,基因检测(genetic test)仍然是一个新鲜事物。但前瞻产业研究院预计,未来五年我国基因检测市场的复合增长率在35%左右,2020年我国基因检测市场份额(the market share of China's genetic test industry)有望突破300亿,更长远的潜在市场(longterm potential market)过千亿。
但基因检测服务的市场化(the marketization of genetic test services)也带来了隐私泄露的巨大风险(huge risks of privacy leaks)。人们向基因检测公司提供唾液样本(saliva sample)时根本无法得知该基因样本(gene sample)会被如何处置或使用,个人基因信息(individual genetic information),尤其是致病基因(disease-causing genes)有泄露的风险,而这可能导致歧视或侵权行为的发生。
基因缺陷 genetic defect
基因隐私 genetic privacy
基因编辑 gene editing
基因测序 gene sequencing
博鳌亚洲论坛 Boao Forum for Asia
博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会于4月8日至11日在海南博鳌举行。本次年会以"开放创新的亚洲,繁荣发展的世界(An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity)"为主题。在主旨演讲(keynote speech)中,习近平主席宣布,中国决定在扩大开放方面采取一系列新的重大举措(a number of landmark measures to boost opening-up)。
博鳌方案 Boao proposals
岛屿经济 island economy
市场准入 market access
中国特色自由贸易港 free trade ports with Chinese characteristics
和平与发展 peace and development
人类命运共同体 community with a shared future for mankind
海上阅兵 navy review
此次阅兵是新中国历史上规模最大的海上阅兵(the largest navy review in the People's Republic of China since its founding in 1949),有48艘战舰(warships)、76架战机(combat aircrafts)以及10000余名官兵(more than 10,000 Navy personnel)参与。
驱逐舰 destroyer
核潜艇 nuclear submarine
航母战斗群 aircraft carrier strike/battle group
导弹巡洋舰 missile cruiser
海上空军基地 seagoing airbase
抗癌药 anti-cancer medicines, cancer drugs
国务院总理李克强4.12日主持召开国务院常务会议,确定发展"互联网+医疗健康"措施(develop the Internet plus Medical and Healthcare strategy),缓解看病就医难题、提升人民健康水平(improve people's health);决定对进口抗癌药实施零关税并鼓励创新药进口(encourage the import of more innovative drugs),顺应民生期盼使患者更多受益。
恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor
发病率 incidence rate
重大疾病 critical illness
基本医保体系 basic healthcare insurance system
医事服务费 medical service fees
药品加成 medicine markups
养老保险费率 pension insurance premium rate
4.9日,人社部副部长游钧在国务院政策例行吹风会上表示,我国将继续阶段性降低企业养老保险费率(reduce the pension insurance premium rate paid by enterprises),但这不会影响到社保基金的正常运行(normal operation of social security fund)以及养老金待遇的水平和正常的调整。
商业保险 commercial insurance
养老保险 endowment insurance
社会保障体系 social security system
社会安全网 a net for social security
积分落户 point-based household registration
北京市人力社保局11日表示,从4月16日起,启动积分落户申报工作(points-based application system for household registration),以满足长期在京稳定生活的非京籍人口的需求(demand of nonnative Beijing residents to stabilize their living situations in the capital)。据介绍,北京市积分落户申报的核心工作可以用"498"这三个数字来概括,即4项资格条件,9个积分指标和8个经办步骤。
4项资格条件是指:申请人必须同时满足持有《北京市居住证》(have held a temporary Beijing residence permit);不超过法定退休年龄(under the legal retirement age);在京连续缴纳社会保险7年及以上(have made social insurance payments for at least seven consecutive years);无刑事犯罪记录(have no criminal record)。这4项资格条件缺一不可,否则就不能进行申报。
人口管理 population management
户口所在地 household registration (hukou) location
户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy
户籍制度改革 reform of household registration system
黑户 people who lack a hukou, unregistered citizens
Web Authentication (WebAuthn) standard:网络认证标准
garden brow:花园纹眉
watermelon March:西瓜三月/西瓜游行抗议
dating tour:外出联谊活动/出游相亲
non-screen time:非屏幕时间
meat tooth:爱吃肉的人
Meat tooth指某人爱吃肉。这个说法沿袭了sweet tooth押韵规律,并进一步演绎。Sweet tooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。
face blindness:脸盲症
The syndrome, known medically as prosopagnosia, was long thought to be a rare neurological curiosity that resulted from brain damage.这种综合征的医学学名为prosopagnosia,长期以来一直被看作是罕见的神经科奇症,且由脑损伤引起。
situational intimacy :情境式亲密
Situational intimacy refers to intimate feelings that are generated by proximity or a shared situation instead of love or some other deep connection. It can be the intimacy that springs up at work, at a concert, lecture or ball game, or watching a national story unfold on television.
the age of fast pace:急时代
obesity from the overwork:过劳肥
wardrobe malfunction:走光
现在,wardrobe malfunction常用作指代因穿衣不当(尤指演员)或演员更换演出服时导致身体部位外露的意外“走光事件”的委婉表达。
非正式访问:unofficial visit
减税大礼包:tax reduction package
志愿军烈士遗骸:remains of Korean War soldiers
天宫一号重返大气层:Tiangong-1 reenters atmosphere
洋垃圾:overseas/foreign garbage
生态环境部(the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)26日召开第一次常务会议(the first executive meeting),通过了《关于全面落实〈禁止洋垃圾入境推进固体废物进口管理制度改革实施方案〉2018—2020年行动方案》(the 2018-2020 action plan for implementation of the reform plan to ban waste imports),《进口固体废物加工利用企业环境违法问题专项督查行动方案(2018年)》和《垃圾焚烧发电行业达标排放专项整治行动方案》。
快递业新规:new rules for the express delivery sector
沙尘天气:sandy and dusty weather
粘贴玩偶:sticking doll
expel diplomat:驱逐外交人员/persona non grata:不受欢迎的人
orange-tinted snow:橙雪
恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor
发病率 incidence rate
重大疾病 critical illness
基本医保体系 basic healthcare insurance system
医事服务费 medical service fees
药品加成 medicine markups
积分落户申报制度 points-based application system for household registration
把握历史规律,认清世界大势 have a keen grasp of the law of history and the trend of the world
坚持引进来和走出去并重 pay equal attention to “bringing in” and “going global"
加强同国际经贸规则对接 enhance alignment with international economic and trading rules
经常项目收支平衡 balance of international payments under the current account
户外土石方作业 outdoor earthwork
工业粉尘 industrial dust
机动车污染物排放 pollutant emissions from motor vehicles
商业重构 business restructuring
线上线下的融合 online and offline integration
去中心化的分布式账本数据库 decentralized, distributed ledger
数字化的知识和信息 digital knowledge and information
量子通信 quantum communication
远程服务 remote service
贸易保护主义措施 trade protectionist measures
保持理性,着眼长远 with sense and long-term picture in mind
不要在错误的道路上越走越远 refrain from going further down the wrong path
宇宙演化 evolution of the universe
生命起源 origin of life
巨资投入 heavy investment
精密设备 sophisticated equipment
因缺陷 genetic defect
基因隐私 genetic privacy
基因编辑 gene editing
基因测序 gene sequencing
人才流失 brain drain
政府贴息贷款 discount government loans
公租房 public rental housing
限价房 price-fixed housing
人口红利 demographic dividend
来而不往非礼也。As the Chinese saying goes, it is only polite to reciprocate.
Environmental issues are a major concern for the public, and are decisive to Chinese people's judgment of the success of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, this is a battle we must win.
The country has made progress in its fight against poverty, a battle that must be won.
Preventing and defusing financial risks is relevant to national security, overall development, and the security of people's property, and is a key threshold that the country must cross to achieve high-quality growth.
辅导员 counsellor
助教 tutor/assistant
讲师 lecturer
教授 professor
导师 supervisor
硕士生导师 supervisor of postgraduate/ graduate supervisor
博士生导师 doctoral supervisor/ PHD supervisor
高级别对话 high-level dialogue
对峙 confrontation
不友好行为 unfriendly act
陷入僵局 come to/reach an impasse
外交协商 diplomatic negotiation
循环利用 recycling
危险废物 hazardous waste
生态安全 ecological security
生态足迹 ecological footprint
生态保护红线 red lines for ecological protection
税级 tax brackets
个税改革 reform of personal income tax
行政事业性收费 administrative fees
减税降费 cut taxes and administrative fees
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