
发布于 2018-04-13 09:20  编辑:Claire


以供给侧结构性改革为主线:treat supply-side structural reform as our main task;focus on supply-side structural reform

着力培育壮大新动能:focus on fostering new growth drivers

经济结构优化升级:economic structural upgrading

破解经济发展和结构失衡难题:overcome economic difficulties and address structural imbalances

大力发展新兴产业:make a big push to foster emerging industries

改造提升传统产业:overhaul and strengthen traditional industries

三去一降一补:cut overcapacity, reduce excess inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and strengthen areas of weakness

在...的基础上:build on our work to…

退出钢铁产能1.7亿吨以上:We have cut steel production capacity by more than 170 million metric tons

安置分流职工110多万人:over 1.1 million affected employees have been assisted

因城施策,分类指导:city-specific policies and category-specific guidance

增加股权融资:expand equity finance

工业企业资产负债率:the debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises

宏观杠杆率涨幅明显收窄:macro leverage ratio is increasing by much smaller margins

政府性基金项目:government-managed funds

新旧发展动能接续转换:the replacement of old growth drivers

实行包容审慎监管:exercise accommodative and prudential regulation

新兴产业蓬勃发展:emerging industries have achieved vigorous growth

传统产业深刻重塑:traditional industries have undergone a thorough remodeling

智能制造:smart manufacturing

种植业适度规模经营:appropriately scaled-up farming

社会消费品零售总额:total retail sales of consumer goods

优化投资结构:improve the composition of investment

发挥政府投资撬动作用:use government investment to play a catalytic role

重大水利工程:major water conservancy projects

农村电网改造:rural power grid upgrading

移动宽带网:mobile broadband network

制度性交易成本:government-imposed transaction costs

注重加强宏观调控:do more to improve macro regulation

商事制度:the business system

事中事后监管:compliance oversight

营商环境:the business environment

群众办事更加便利:people can access government services more easily

坚持把发展经济着力点放在实体经济上:In economic development we need to focus on the real economy.

发展壮大新动能:develop powerful new growth drivers

做大做强新兴产业集群:create big, strong industrial clusters in emerging industries

实施大数据发展行动:implement the big data development action plan

加强新一代人工智能研发应用:step up next-generation artificial intelligence R&D and application

智能产业:intelligent industries

拓展智能生活:expand intelligent living

加强新兴产业统计:statistics on emerging industries will be strengthened.

加大网络提速降费力度:do more to speed up broadband and bring down internet rates

实现高速宽带城乡全覆盖:achieve high-speed broadband access in both urban and rural areas

扩大公共场所免费上网范围:make free internet access available in more public places

取消流量“漫游”费:domestic data roaming charges will be abolished

移动网络流量资费年内至少降低30%:rates for mobile internet services will be cut by at least 30 percent

加快制造强国建设:speed up work to build China into a leader in manufacturing

大幅压减工业生产许可证:significantly scale back industrial production licensing

全面开展质量提升行动:take steps in all sectors to improve quality

推进与国际先进水平对标达标:work toward meeting the highest international standards

市场化法治化手段:approaches consistent with market principles and the rule of law

加快消化粮食库存:act faster to reduce excess food stockpiles

减少无效供给要抓出新成效:In cutting ineffective supply, we will knuckle down to produce new results

“放管服”改革:the reforms designed to delegate powers, improve regulation, and provide better services

在全国推开“证照分离”改革:The reform separating permits and certificates from business licenses will be rolled out nationwide

决不允许假冒伪劣滋生蔓延,决不允许执法者吃拿卡要:There will be zero tolerance for counterfeit and substandard products and corrupt law enforcement.

要破障碍、去烦苛、筑坦途,为市场主体添活力,为人民群众增便利:We need to remove barriers, cut red tape, and build even pathways, to energize market entities and bring greater convenience to the people

激发市场活力和社会创造力:unleash market vitality and public creativity

一般工商业电价:the price of electricity for general industrial and commercial businesses

电网环节收费:power grid charges

输配电价格:electricity transmission and distribution prices

收费公路制度:the system of highway tolls

降低过路过桥费用:reduce tolls on highways and bridges



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