
发布于 2018-04-13 09:11  编辑:Claire


1.开放型经济open economy

2.一批重大互联互通、经贸合作项目落地launch a number of major connectivity and economic and trade cooperation initiatives

3.出口退税负担机制the cost-sharing mechanism for export tax rebates

4.全部退税增量the full sum of increases in export tax rebates

5.跨境电商综合试验区comprehensive experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce

6.通关customs clearance

7.进出口实现回稳向好imports and exports have rebounded and steadily grown

8.加大引智力度intensify efforts to attract talent

9.对外投资outbound investment

10.国际产能合作international cooperation on production capacity

11.特别提款权货币篮子Special Drawing Rights basket

12.全面开放新格局a new landscape in all-around opening-up

13.加大开放力度expand opening-up

14.内陆inland areas

15.拓展经济合作新空间create new opportunities for China’s economic cooperation with other countries

16.与国际通行经贸规则对接alignment with international business rules

17.有序开放银行卡清算等市场phase in an opening-up of bank card clearing and other markets

18.统一中外资银行市场准入标准make market entry standards the same for both Chinese and foreign banks

19.递延纳税tax deferral

20.商务备案business filing

21.工商登记business registration

22.打造改革开放新高地work toward new heights in reform and opening-up

23.巩固外贸稳中向好势头consolidate the healthy trend toward stable growth in foreign trade

24.扩大出口信用保险覆盖面expand the coverage of export credit insurance

25.中国国际进口博览会China International Import Expo

26.日用消费品everyday consumer goods

27.为消费者提供更多选择provide Chinese consumers with a broader range of choices



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