
发布于 2018-02-23 15:59  编辑:Claire


Overarching /ˌəʊvərˈɑːtʃɪŋ/

中心的, 支配一切的,压倒一切的,保罗万象的,影响一切的,往往用来翻译“总”字。

eg. 我们要展现战略视野,努力打造富有全局和长远意义的峰会成果。

We also need to have a strategic vision to deliver real outcomes with overarching and far-reaching significance.

Humanity /hjuːˈmænɪtɪ/

基本意思是人类,也表示“仁慈”、“博爱”。本身不是多么有难度的词,主要是很多中文材料爱用“人类”,“全人类”这种表述,所以它的用法要掌握。此外,这个词的复数形式 The humanities 还表示人文学科。


They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.

3. That being said

本身是承上启下的过渡,有时候引导一种矛盾、对立的关系,常用来翻译 “但是”、“也”、“同时”、“另一方面”。在句子中删掉往往也不太影响句意,所以有时候,也可以适当“强行使用”,凸显逻辑关系,也适当给译文加分。


That being said, we have also taken note of the claim by some (一些人) that a stronger China is bound to follow the beaten path to seek hegemony and pose a so-called “threat” to other countries.


基本的意思有“安全的”、“牢固的”,时政汉译英时常用它的“争取到”的意思,表示某种行为产生的结果,常用来翻译 “实现”等意义,替换 obtain/achieve/maitain。

eg. 一年来,我国经济社会发展总体平稳,稳中有进。

During the past year, China has, overall, achieved a stable performance while at the same time securing progress in its economic and social development.

As a whole 


eg. 中国愿同南亚国家加强合作,一道推进南亚和亚洲区域合作进程。

China will strengthen cooperation with the South Asian countries to jointly advance regional cooperation in South Asia and Asia as a whole.

Daunting 常和困难、挑战、任务搭配使用

eg. 6年过去了,世界经济仍未彻底走出危机阴霾,实现强劲增长仍面临种种挑战。

Now, six years on, the world economy is yet to emerge from the crisis. It still faces daunting challenges for strong growth.

Interdependent 相互依存的, 互相依赖的

eg. 中欧相互依存不断加深,面临的共同挑战也更加突出。

As China and Europe become increasingly interdependent, we also face a growing number of common challenges.

Momentum /məʊˈmɛntəm/ 势头,趋势

eg. 这场运动确实势头正猛。

This campaign is really gaining momentum.

Put in place 用来表示建立

eg. 建立国家基本公共服务项目清单。

We should put in place a national catalogue of basic public services.

Give top priority to / give priority to 表示对•••重视

eg. 一是牢牢抓住发展第一要务不放松。

First, give top priority to development



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