澳门发展同内地发展紧密相连。要支持香港、澳门融入国家发展大局,以粤港澳大湾区建设、粤港澳合作、泛珠三角区域合作等为重点,全面推进内地同香港、澳门互利合作,制定完善便利香港、澳门居民在内地发展的政策措施。 我们坚持爱国者为主体的“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”,发展壮大爱国爱港爱澳力量,增强香港、澳门同胞的国家意识和爱国精神,让香港、澳门同胞同祖国人民共担民族复兴的历史责任、共享祖国繁荣富强的伟大荣光。

参考答案:     The development of Hong Kong and Macao is closely tied up with that of the mainland. We will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating their own development into the overall development of the country. We will give priority to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, and regional cooperation in the pan-Pearl River Delta, thus fully advancing mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland and the two regions. We will formulate and improve policies and measures to make it more convenient for people from Hong Kong and Macao to develop careers on the mainland.
    We will remain committed to the policy for the Hong Kong people to govern Hong Kong and the Macao people to govern Macao, with patriots playing the principal role. We will develop and strengthen the ranks of patriots who love both our country and their regions, and foster greater patriotism and a stronger sense of national identity among the people in Hong Kong and Macao. With this, our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao will share both the historic responsibility of national rejuvenation and the pride of a strong and prosperous China.
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