有个担心他的苗(sprout)长不大就去把苗拔高一点的宋国人,他很累地回家,告诉他家里的人说:“今天我可累坏啦!我刚才帮助苗长高了!”他的儿子跑著到田里去看苗,苗都已经枯了。 天下不帮助苗长的人少得很啊。认为没有好处就放弃它的人是不替苗除掉野草的人;帮助苗长高的人是把苗拔高一点儿的人。揠苗这种做法不仅没有好处,反而还害了它。


  There was a person from the state of Song who was concerned that his sprouts would not grow tall and who therefore pulled them up a bit. He returned home looking exhausted and spoke to the people in his family saying:” Today I am tired out! I have just helped the sprouts grow taller.” His son rushed out and went to the fields to look at the sprouts; it turned out that the sprouts had all withered.

  The people in the world who do not help their sprouts grow are few indeed! The people who think there is no advantage in nurturing them are the people who abandon them; these are the people who do not weed their sprouts. The people who want to help their sprouts grow are the people who pull them up a bit. The method of pulling them up a bit not only has no benefit, but on the contrary also injures them.

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