财政政策要更加积极有效。今年赤字率拟按3%安排,财政赤字2.38万亿元,比去年增加2000亿元。其中,中央财政赤字1.55万亿元,地方财政赤字8300亿元。安排地方专项债券8000亿元,继续发行地方政府置换债券。今年赤字率保持不变,主要是为了进一步减税降费,全年再减少企业税负3500亿元左右、涉企收费约2000亿元,一定要让市场主体有切身感受。 财政预算安排要突出重点、有保有压,加大力度补短板、惠民生。对地方一般性转移支付规模增长9.5%,重点增加均衡性转移支付和困难地区财力补助。压缩非重点支出,减少对绩效不高项目的预算安排。 各级政府要坚持过紧日子,中央部门要带头,一律按不低于5%的幅度压减一般性支出,决不允许增加“三公”经费,挤出更多资金用于减税降费,坚守节用裕民的正道。

参考答案:     We will pursue a more proactive and effective fiscal policy. This year’s deficit-to-GDP ratio is projected to be 3 percent, with the fiscal deficit set at 2.38 trillion yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 200 billion yuan. To break this down, the projected deficit of the central government is 1.55 trillion yuan, and the projected deficit of local governments is 830 billion yuan. Local government special bonds to be issued will total 800 billion yuan, and local government bonds will continue to be issued to replace their outstanding debt. The main reason for keeping this year’s deficit-to-GDP ratio unchanged is to allow for further reductions in taxes and fees. Over the course of the year, the tax burden on businesses will be further eased by around 350 billion yuan, and business related fees will be further cut by around 200 billion yuan to benefit market entities.
    Government budgets should highlight priorities; spending in some areas should be maintained while in others cuts should be made; and more should be spent to strengthen areas of weakness and improve living standards. General transfer payments to local governments will be increased by 9.5 percent, with the focus on increasing transfer payments for equalizing access to basic public services and stepping up subsidies for regions facing economic difficulties. We will scale down non-priority spending and cut budgets for projects that do not deliver desired outcomes.
    Governments at all levels should tighten their belts, and central government departments should take the lead by cutting no less than 5 percent of their general expenditures. No increase in spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, or official hospitality is permitted; and we will squeeze out more funds to cover cuts in taxes and fees. We will keep government spending low and enrich our people.
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