人才是实现民族振兴、赢得国际竞争主动的战略资源。要坚持党管人才原则,聚天下英才而用之,加快建设人才强国。 实行更加积极、更加开放、更加有效的人才政策,以识才的慧眼、爱才的诚意、用才的胆识、容才的雅量、聚才的良方,把党内和党外、国内和国外各方面优秀人才集聚到党和人民的伟大奋斗中来,鼓励引导人才向边远贫困地区、边疆民族地区、革命老区和基层一线流动,努力形成人人渴望成才、人人努力成才、人人皆可成才、人人尽展其才的良好局面,让各类人才的创造活力竞相迸发、聪明才智充分涌流。

参考答案: People with talent are a strategic resource for China as it endeavors to achieve national rejuvenation and stay ahead in international competition. We must follow the principle of the Party exercising leadership over personnel, assemble the best minds across the land and draw fully on their expertise, and step up efforts to make China a talent-strong country.
We will pursue a more proactive, open, and effective policy on training competent professionals. We should value people with talent, be good at identifying talent, have the foresight to employ them, be earnest to keep them, and welcome them into our ranks. This will better enable us to attract bright people from both within and outside the Party and both in China and abroad to join us in pursuing the great endeavor of the Party and the people. We will encourage and guide people with talent to work in remote poor areas, border areas with mainly ethnic minority populations, and old revolutionary base areas, as well as in communities and on the frontlines. We will work to foster a positive environment in which everyone wants, strives, and is able to excel themselves, and can do full justice to their talents. With this, we aim to see that in every field the creativity of talent is given great expression and their ingenuity and expertise flow freely.
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