You are given a picture and required to describe the scene you can see in it with the title Inside and Outside.Make reference to the following points: 1) a description of the picture2) your comment on this phenomenon3) your composition should be no less than 120 words

参考答案: Inside and Outside
There are two birds in the picture. One is in a cage, while the otherstays outside. Both of them are admiring the other' s life.
The bird locked in the cage lives an unhappy life. Although it is givena full bowl of rice every day, it is bored to death. It dreams one day it canfly happily in the sky. On the other hand, the bird outside has a strong de-sire to get into the cage. It completely forgets the advantage of being free.
Because it has to look for food by itself, and now it is hungry.
The message conveys by the picture is instructive. Everything has twosides. When a person is in unfavorable condition, he should have positiveattitude towards life and never lose sight of his own advantages.
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