经过多年努力,中国卫生事业取得显著发展成就,但与公众健康需求和经济社会协调发展不适应的矛盾还比较突出。 特别是随着中国从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转型,原有医疗保障体系发生很大变化,如何使广大公众享有更好、更健全的医疗卫生服务,成为中国政府面临的一个重大问题。 医改是一项涉及面广、难度大的社会系统工程,在中国这样一个人口多、人均收入水平低、城乡区域差距大的发展中国家,深化医改是一项十分艰巨复杂的任务。三年多来,中国政府大力推进医药卫生服务与经济社会协调发展,积极破解医改这一世界性难题。通过艰苦努力,中国的新一轮医改取得积极进展。

参考答案:     With years of effort, China has made remarkable achievements in the development of its healthcare undertakings, which, however, still fall far short of the public's demands for healthcare as well as the requirements of economic and social development.
    Especially when China turned from a planned economy to a market economy, the old medical care system has undergone great changes. So it became an issue of major importance for the Chinese government to provide better and more accessible medical and health services to the public.
    Medical reform is a social program that covers a wide range and involves difficult tasks. And it is a hard and complicated task to deepen this reform in China, a developing country with a large population, low per-capita income and a wide gap between urban and rural areas.
    For over three years, the Chinese government has worked hard to strike a balance between improving medical and health services on one hand and economic and social development on the other, trying to find a solution to this worldwide problem. Thanks to the persistent efforts made, China has made positive progress in this new round of medical reform.
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