加强现代农业建设。 加快推进农产品标准化生产、品牌创建和保护,打造粮食生产功能区、重要农产品生产保护区、特色农产品优势区和现代农业产业园。推进土地整治,大力改造中低产田,推广旱作技术,新增高效节水灌溉面积2000万亩。加强耕地保护,改进占补平衡。 发展多种形式适度规模经营,是中国特色农业现代化的必由之路,离不开农业保险有力保障。今年在13个粮食主产省选择部分县市,对适度规模经营农户实施大灾保险,调整部分财政救灾资金予以支持,提高保险覆盖面和理赔标准,完善农业再保险体系,以持续稳健的农业保险助力现代农业发展。

参考答案:     We will boost the development of modern agriculture.
    We will work faster to see due standards are followed in agricultural production, and promote the development and protection of brand name agricultural products. We will create functional zones for grain production, major agricultural product protection areas, areas for growing quality and distinctively local agricultural products, and modern agriculture industrial parks. We will continue to improve rural land, upgrade low- and medium-yield cropland, and spread dry-farming techniques, adding 1.33 million hectares of farmland under highly water-efficient irrigation. We will strengthen the protection of cultivated land and improve work to offset cultivated land used for other purposes.
    Developing appropriately scaled, diversified farming operations is vital for Chinese-style agricultural modernization, and these operations need to be covered by agricultural insurance. This year, in selected counties and county-level cities in 13 major grain-producing provinces, we will provide catastrophe insurance for farmers engaging in appropriately scaled farming operations. We will channel a portion of budgetary disaster relief funds into this initiative and expand the coverage and raise the benefits of the insurance scheme. We will improve the agricultural reinsurance system. We wish to use sustainable and sound agricultural insurance schemes to drive the development of modern agriculture.
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