人民健康是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志。要完善国民健康政策,为人民群众提供全方位全周期健康服务。深化医药卫生体制改革,全面建立中国特色基本医疗卫生制度、医疗保障制度和优质高效的医疗卫生服务体系,健全现代医院管理制度。加强基层医疗卫生服务体系和全科医生队伍建设。全面取消以药养医,健全药品供应保障制度。 坚持预防为主,深入开展爱国卫生运动,倡导健康文明生活方式,预防控制重大疾病。实施食品安全战略,让人民吃得放心。坚持中西医并重,传承发展中医药事业。支持社会办医,发展健康产业。 促进生育政策和相关经济社会政策配套衔接,加强人口发展战略研究。积极应对人口老龄化,构建养老、孝老、敬老政策体系和社会环境,推进医养结合,加快老龄事业和产业发展。

参考答案:     A healthy population is a key mark of a prosperous nation and a strong country. We will improve the national health policy, and ensure the delivery of comprehensive lifecycle health services for our people. We will deepen reform of the medicine and healthcare system, establish distinctively Chinese systems for providing basic healthcare, medical insurance, and quality and efficient healthcare services, and develop a sound modern hospital management system.
    We will improve community-level healthcare services, and strengthen the ranks of general practitioners. We will put an end to the practices of hospitals funding their operations with profits from overpriced drugs, and improve the system for medicine supply.
    We will, with emphasis on prevention, carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns, promote healthy and positive lifestyles, and prevent and control major diseases. We will initiate a food safety strategy to ensure that people have peace of mind about what they’re putting on their plates. We will support both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and ensure the preservation and development of traditional Chinese medicine. We will support the development of private hospitals and health-related industries.
    We will work to ensure that our childbirth policy meshes with related economic and social policies, and carry out research on the population development strategy. As we respond proactively to population aging, we will adopt policies and foster a social environment in which senior citizens are respected, cared for, and live happily in their later years. We will provide integrated elderly care and medical services, and accelerate the development of old-age programs and industries.
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