过几年的共同努力,“16+1合作”的方向明确了,框架构建了,基础打牢了。下一步要适应国际形势变化、顺应业界期盼,营造更加自由开放的贸易投资环境,出台更加精准的政策举措,推动“16+1合作”扩容提质升级。本届论坛主题为“深化经贸金融合作,促进互利共赢发展”,就是要更好发挥经贸、金融两大“引擎”的作用,让“16+1合作”之舟行稳致远。 我们要促进共建“一带一路”倡议同中东欧国家发展战略对接。习近平主席在会见中东欧国家领导人时多次指出,要将“16+1合作”打造成“一带一路”倡议融入欧洲经济圈的重要承接地。中方愿与中东欧国家一道,秉持共商共建共享的原则,推动“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛成果率先在中东欧落地。加快推进匈塞铁路等互联互通项目建设,促进中欧班列持续健康发展。扩大国际产能合作,共建一批经贸合作区,打造融合度更深、带动力更强、受益面更广的产业链、价值链、物流链。

参考答案:     In the past few years, we have been able to identify clear goals, institute the overall framework and lay a solid foundation for “16+1” cooperation. Going forward, we will further expand and upgrade “16+1” cooperation in light of the changing international landscape and the expectations of our business communities by introducing better-targeted policy measures to foster a freer and more open trade and investment environment. With the theme of “deepening economic, trade and financial cooperation for win-win development”, this forum aims to boost the twin engines of trade and finance to propel the ship of “16+1” cooperation forward in a steady and sustained way.
    We need to forge greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the development strategies of CEE countries. As President Xi Jinping repeatedly underscored during meetings with leaders of CEE countries, “16+1” cooperation should serve as a major gateway in the further implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative in the European economic circle. China will work with CEE countries, in line with the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration, to make the CEE region an early beneficiary of the outcomes of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We need to speed up the building of the Budapest-Belgrade railway and other connectivity projects, work for the sound development of freight train services, expand international industrial capacity cooperation, and jointly build a number of economic and trade cooperation zones, with a view to developing better integrated chains of industry, of value and of logistics with stronger impetus and broader benefits.
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