公共英语三级题库/阅读理解 Section B

I work not because I like it but that I have to, so I often count the minutes until stopping work or holidays. However, my sister is totally different. She enjoys her work so much that she often spends extra time on her job even take work home with her. I think she is so crazy about work just as some people are about drugs or alcohol. I could hardly understand it. 

Work is a core element of our lives. It gives us a sense of identity in the larger world outside the personal circle of family and friends. However, there are some people for whom work occupies an even more central place in their lives. Workaholics are a stereotype of modem life, and they are both praised and criticized. On the one hand, it may be the accepted way of earning promotion. On the other hand, workaholics are often viewed as neglecting aspects of life such as family and leisure that are important for maintaining a healthy equilibrium. 

In cities, workaholism is so common that people do not regard it as unusual. I think workaholics prefer to work rather than do anything else because they don't know how to kill time if they don't work. They can only get pleasure from work. Work is everything for them. 

Workaholism is dangerous in a sense because it can cause some problems. First of all, workaholics often have health problems because they don't have time to relax and keep themselves occupied all the time. Secondly, their family life is not happy since they spend little time with their family. Their marriage may even ends in divorce. 

Being a workaholic can mean you achieve great things, but more people achieve great things without being addicted to work. Workaholics need time away from work and when I say "away from" I mean psychologically distanced from it as well as physically. If you are still obsessing about work when you should be focused on your loved ones or an outside of work activity then you are still basically working. 
Now match the name of each person (36-40) to the appropriate statement. 
Note: there are two extra statements. 
36. Simon 
37. Matthew 
38. Andrew 
39. Colin 
40. Vincent 

A. Some people appreciate those who pay almost all their attention on work. 
B. If you don't get rid of work a holism, you may get ill. 
C. To get promotion, you need to be a workaholic. 
D. Workaholics' behaviors are hard to understand. 
E. Workaholics had better have some time with no work. 
F. It's hard for workaholics to be away from work psychologically. 
G. Workaholics don't know how to enjoy themselves except working. 

            参考答案: E,D,G,B,A
            成为一个工作狂可能意味着你有很大的成就,不过更多的人不是工作狂也取得了很大的成就。工作狂们需要一些时间远离工作。我说的“远离工作”意思不仅包括身体上远离工作,而且精神上也要远离。如果在应该专心关心你爱的人或者参加其他活动时,你的头脑中还是念念不忘工作的话,你其实仍然还在工作。  >>>立即刷题