当红电视选秀节目“超级女声”(Super Girl)对许多中国人来说是一个独特的文化体验,到过亚洲的游客也一定早就知道卡拉OK(karaoke)在亚洲的重要性,中国也不例外。唱歌一直是无数中国人最热衷的娱乐方式。随着今年五月第三届比赛的启动,“超级女声”依然是中国最多人收看的电视节目,这个节目也给了喜爱唱歌的女性一个梦想成真的机会。


  The hit television show Super Girl is the unique cultural experience for many Chinese. Travelers to Asia have long known about the importance of karaoke, and China is no exception. Singing remains the most popular form of entertainment to the vast majority of the Chinese. For the third year running, with this year’s competition commencing in May, Super Girl remains the most eagerly anticipated and watched television program in China. The program provides a chance for all female singing fanatics to make their dreams come true.

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