Scientists analyzing data from a NASA spacecraft have found the first evidence that briny water flowed on the surface of Mars as recently as last summer, a paper published on Monday showed, raising the possibility that the planet could support life. Although the source and the chemistry of the water is unknown, the discovery will change scientists' thinking about whether the planet that is most like Earth in the solar system could support present day microbial life. "It suggests that it would be possible for life to be on Mars today," John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administration for science, told reporters."Mars is not the dry, arid planet that we thought of in the past. Under certain circumstances, liquid water has been found on Mars," said Jim Green, the agency's director of planetary science. The discovery was made when scientists developed a new technique to analyze chemical maps of the surface of Mars obtained by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet's equatorial region. The slopes, first reported in 2011, appear during the warm summer months on Mars, then vanish when the temperatures drop. Scientists suspected the streaks, known as recurring slope lineae, or RSL, were cut by flowing water, but previously had been unable to make the measurements. "I thought there was no hope," Lujendra Ojha, a graduate student at Georgia Institute of Technology and lead author of a paper in this week's issue of the journal Nature Geoscience, told Reuters. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter makes its measurements during the hottest part of the Martian day, so scientists believed any traces of water, or fingerprints from hydrated minerals, would have evaporated. Also, the chemical-sensing instrument on the orbiting spacecraft cannot home in on details as small as the narrow streaks, which typically are less than 16 feet (5 meters) wide. But Ojha and colleagues created a computer program that could scrutinize individual pixels. That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks. Scientists concentrated on the widest streaks and came up with a 100 percent match between their locations and detections of hydrated salts.

参考答案:     周一发表的一篇论文称,在分析了美国宇航局火星探测器提供的数据后,科学家们发现了就在今年夏天(注:背景核实)火星表面曾流淌过高盐度卤水的第一份证据,由此认为火星可能具备生命存在的条件。(进一步证明了火星可能具备生命存在的条件。)
    美国宇航局科学任务委员会副主任约翰•格朗斯菲尔德(John Grunsfeld)接受记者采访时说,“这一发现表明,现在火星上存在生命是有可能的。”
    “火星不再是我们过去认为的那个干涸荒芜的星球。已经发现在火星上一定条件下存在液态水,” 行星科学分部主管吉姆•格林(Jim Green)说。
    这一发现得益于科学家们为分析宇航局火星勘测轨道飞行器(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter)获得的有关火星表面化学成分图而研发的一种新技术。
    2011年被首次报道的这些斜坡沟壑在火星上的夏季出现,到了寒冷的季节就消失不见了。科学家们此前一直猜测那些被称为“季节性斜坡纹线(Recurring slope lineae,RSL)”的纹路是由火星上的流水形成的,但是之前一直苦于无法测量证实。
来自佐治亚理工学院的研究生卢金德拉•欧嘉(Lujendra Ojha)也是在本周《自然-地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)杂志上刊登的一篇论文的第一作者。他在接受路透社采访时说,“我本来对测量都不抱希望了。”
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