生命像向东流的一江春水,他从最高处发源,冰雪是他的前身。他聚集起许多细流,合成一股有力的洪涛,向下奔注,他曲折的穿过了悬崖峭壁,冲倒了层沙积土,挟卷着滚滚的沙石,快乐勇敢地流走,一路上他享受着他所遭遇的一切:有时候他遇到巉岩前阻,他愤激地奔腾了起来,怒吼着,回旋着,前波后浪地起伏催逼,直到冲倒了这危崖,他才心平气和地一泻千里。有时候他经过了细细的平沙,斜阳芳草里,看见了夹岸红艳的桃花,他快乐而又羞怯,静静地流着,低低地吟唱着,轻轻地度过这一段浪漫的行程。 有时候他遇到暴风雨,这激电,这迅雷,使他心魂惊骇,疾风吹卷起他,大雨击打着他,他暂时浑浊了,扰乱了,而雨过天晴,只加给他许多新生的力量。有时候他遇到了晚霞和新月,向他照耀,向他投影,清冷中带些幽幽的温暖:这时他只想憩息,只想睡眠,而那股前进的力量,仍催逼着他向前走…… 终于有一天,他远远地望见了大海,呵!他已到了行程的终结,这大海,使他屏息,使他低头,她多么辽阔,多么伟大!多么光明,又多么黑暗!大海庄严的伸出臂儿来接引他,他一声不响地流入她的怀里。他消融了,归化了,说不上快乐,也不有悲哀!也许有一天,他再从海上蓬蓬地雨点中升起,飞向西来,再形成一道江流,再冲倒两旁的石壁,再来寻夹岸的桃花。然而我不敢说来生,也不敢相信来生!

参考答案:     Life begins like a nascent river flowing eastward, having emerged from ice and snow somewhere up high. Converging with many a rivulet to form a powerful torrent, he embarks on his downward dash, zigzagging by cliffs, flattening dunes and mounds, churning up sands and pebbles. He rushes along with joy, with confidence, with license. When blocked by rocks, he charges with rage, roaring, twirling and swirling, wave after wave, until finally clearing the imposing obstacles and continuing his journey on a light-hearted note. Sometimes he rolls quietly on leveled terrain through green grass in the setting sun, caressing fine sand, giving now and then a shy gaze at the bright peach blossoms on the banks, and singing softly while stepping gently into the romantic rhythm of this joyful leg of his voyage.
    Sometimes he is caught in storms, with horrifying burst of thunder and lightning. Ripped by ferocious gales and beaten by punishing downpours, he becomes, for a time, ruffled and muddy, only to find himself refreshed and energize when embraced by the sunshine again. At calmer moments he is charmed by the clouds waltzing along the horizon at dusk, and smiling at him, and then by the arrival of the new moon, which sketches his silhouette, and bestows a touch of warmth in the midst of a chilly night. A yearning for a respite or slumber gnaws at him, but eventually gives way to the impetus to move on.
    Finally one day the ocean leaps into his view from afar. Alas! He is at the end of his journey. So vast, so imposing, so bright, and yet so dark, the ocean is breath-taking and humbling! When she greets him solemnly, he lets himself drop into her massive arms, dissolved and naturalized, experiencing neither joy nor sorrow. Perhaps, one day he would again rise from the sea in the form of fine vapors and travels westward, to form again a river that would dash by cliffs, and look for peach blossoms on the banks. But I dare not say that’s the rebirth of his previous life, for I couldn’t bring myself to believe in an afterlife.
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