贫困地区和贫困人口是全面建成小康社会最大的短板。要深入实施精准扶贫精准脱贫,今年再减少农村贫困人口1000万以上,完成易地扶贫搬迁340万人。中央财政专项扶贫资金增长30%以上。 加强集中连片特困地区、革命老区、边疆和民族地区开发,改善基础设施和公共服务,推动特色产业发展、劳务输出、教育和健康扶贫,做好因病等致贫返贫群众帮扶,实施贫困村整体提升工程,增强贫困地区和贫困群众自我发展能力。 推进贫困县涉农资金整合,强化资金和项目监管。创新扶贫协作机制,支持和引导社会力量参与扶贫。切实落实脱贫攻坚责任制,实施最严格的评估考核,严肃查处假脱贫、“被脱贫”、数字脱贫,确保脱贫得到群众认可、经得起历史检验。

参考答案:     Poor areas and people living in poverty represent the area of greatest weakness we must face as we work to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We need to do more in implementing targeted poverty reduction and elimination measures. This year we will further reduce the number of rural residents living in poverty by over 10 million, including 3.4 million to be relocated from inhospitable areas. Central government funding for poverty alleviation will be increased by over 30 percent.
    We need to step up development in contiguous areas of extreme poverty, old revolutionary bases, border areas, and areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities. For this we should focus on the following work: improving infrastructure and public services; fostering poverty alleviation through distinctive local businesses, the domestic and overseas export of labor, and improving education and health care; providing assistance to people who become poor or sink back into poverty due to illness; implementing the program for improving life in poor villages; and building the self-development capacity of poor areas and people.
    In poor counties, different rural development funds will be merged, and oversight over funds and projects will be strengthened. We will develop new mechanisms for coordinating poverty reduction efforts. We will support and guide non-governmental participation in combating poverty. The system for ensuring responsibility is taken for poverty elimination will be effectively enforced, the strictest possible evaluations and assessments of poverty alleviation will be carried out, and stern measures will be taken to address deception, falsification, and the manipulation of numbers in poverty elimination work. We must see that the results of our poverty elimination earn the approval of our people and stand the test of time
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